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📣 We just released Svelte Flow 1.0 Alpha — try it out and give us your feedback!

Dark Mode

Svelte Flow comes with a built-in light & dark mode. You can set the colorMode prop that allows you to switch between 'dark', 'light' and 'system'.

<script lang="ts"> import { writable } from 'svelte/store'; import { SvelteFlow, Background, Controls, MiniMap, Panel, type Node, type Edge, type ColorMode } from '@xyflow/svelte'; import '@xyflow/svelte/dist/style.css'; import { initialNodes, initialEdges } from './nodes-and-edges'; const nodes = writable<Node[]>(initialNodes); const edges = writable<Edge[]>(initialEdges); let colorMode: ColorMode = 'dark'; </script> <div style="height:100vh;"> <SvelteFlow {nodes} {edges} {colorMode} fitView> <Background /> <Controls /> <MiniMap /> <Panel> <select bind:value={colorMode}> <option value="dark">dark</option> <option value="light">light</option> <option value="system">system</option> </select> </Panel> </SvelteFlow> </div>
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