<EdgeLabelRenderer />
Edges are SVG-based. If you want to render more complex labels you can use the
<EdgeLabelRenderer />
component to access a div based renderer. This component
is a portal that renders the label in a <div />
that is positioned on top of
the edges. You can see an example usage of the component in the
edge label renderer example. We are using
the EdgeLabelRenderer internally to render edge labels.
<script lang="ts">
import { getBezierPath, EdgeLabelRenderer, BaseEdge } from '@xyflow/svelte';
export let id: $$Props['id'];
export let data: $$Props['data'];
$: [edgePath, labelX, labelY] = getBezierPath($$props);
<BaseEdge id={id} path={edgePath} />
position: 'absolute',
transform: `translate(-50%, -50%) translate(${labelX}px,${labelY}px)`,
background: '#ffcc00',
padding: 10,
borderRadius: 5,
fontSize: 12,
fontWeight: 700,
class="nodrag nopan"
Name | Type |
# children |
- The
<EdgeLabelRenderer />
has no pointer events by default. If you want to add mouse interactions you need to set the stylepointerEvents: all
and add thenopan
class on the label or the element you want to interact with.
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